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Email: win@uwo.ca
Tel: 519-661-2111 x82205
Western Institute for Neuroscience
Western Interdisciplinary Research Building,
Western University,
1151 Richmond Street,
London, Ontario N6A 3K7
Motivation and Emotion
Research Interests: Addictions, Prevention & Early Intervention for Psychoses.
Bio: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Research Interests: Trauma, affect regulation, mindfulness, dissociation, and the self, using functional neuroimaging and psychometric methods.
Bio: Associate Professor, Department of Psychology (Cross with Psychiatry).
Research Interests: The evolution of social behaviors and their underlying neural mechanisms, with a focus on how communication behaviors support social connections. Also the evolution of primate vocal communication and neural systems supporting social bonding in monogamous rodents.
Bio: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
Research Interests: The biological and contextual pathways to mood dysregulation in children, particularly those vulnerable to negative outcomes after early adversity. Uses a multimethod, lifespan approach, incorporating measures such as emotionality, the home environment, psychophysiology, imaging, and genetics to study mood dysregulation across both children and adults.
Bio: Professor, Department of Psychology.
Research Interests: How people interpret social interactions (social cognition) and the behaviors that result from these interactions (social interaction), exploring the relationship between social cognition and behavior. The lab employs methods from economics, game theory, cognitive and social psychology, ethnography, and machine learning/AI to explore these topics.
Bio: Professor, Department of Psychology
Research Interests: Mechanisms underlying co-occurring serious mental illness and substance use disorders, with a focus on the long-term effects of adolescent drug use and pharmacokinetic profiles using neuroimaging techniques.
Bio: Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology
Research Interests: The neurobiology of PTSD and treatment outcomes, examining various pharmacological and psychotherapeutic approaches.
Bio: Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Research Interests: The neurobiological and molecular mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders, exploring how chronic drug exposure during vulnerable developmental periods influences emotional processing and behavior through specific brain circuits and signaling pathways.
Bio: Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Research Interests: How we categorize experiences and how these concepts influence behavior, decision-making, and planning, with particular emphasis on prototype theory and multiple-systems theories of categorization. Work spans humans, animals, and machines, contributing to our understanding of generalization across different learners.
Bio: Professor, Department of Psychology
Research Interests: The motives behind substance use, particularly cannabis, and how these motives relate to the development of substance use disorders and addictions.
Bio: Assistant Professor, Kings University College